Reviewers Responsibilities

Contribution of Double-Blind Peer Review

In making editorial decisions the reviewers get assistance from double blind peer review.

The reviewers are unaware of author's identity.

Any information about the author's identity that is available will be deleted from the paper before it is given to reviewers.

Comments sent to the editor by reviewers shall be anonymous and confidential, and the editor must provide them to the author.

The names of the reviewers remain strictly confidential except Chief Editor and Associate Editors.


Referees should notify the Chief Editor and Associate Editors and request an excuse from the review process if they feel unqualified to assess the assigned submission or are unable to do so promptly for unavoidable reasons.


The reviewers are supposed to keep confidential the content (abstracts, papers, tools, experiments), opinions of other reviewers, as well as any information regarding the discussion and acceptance/rejection decisions of manuscript received.

They must not be shown to or discussed with other except authorized by the Chief Editor and Associate Editors.

Standards of Objectivity

Reviews should be conducted objectively.

Personal interest or criticism of the author is unethical.

Referees should express their opinion clearly with supporting arguments.

Acknowledgment of Sources

Identification of relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors must be done by the referees.

Any statement that had been previously reported elsewhere should be accompanied by the relevant citation.

A reviewer should also intimate to the Publisher/Chief Editor/Associate Editors if any substantial resemblance or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published manuscript of which they have personal awareness.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Reviewers are expected to decline manuscripts for which they may have conflicts of interest because of adversarial, cooperative, or other links or relationships with any of the authors, businesses, or institutions associated with the manuscript.

Any kind of confidential information or ideas obtained through double-blind peer review must be kept that way; neither personal use nor benefit may be derived from them.


Created: 06-May-2024 11:25 AM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 11:25 AM
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