
Our all Journals go through double blind peer-reviewed process.

This statement indicates the ethical activities of all parties concerned in the act of publishing a manuscript for the journal.

(i.e.: the author, the editors, the peer-reviewers and the publisher)

The base of statement is on COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Editors of Journal (

These publication criteria guarantee high-quality scientific publications, public confidence in scientific discoveries, and giving people credit where credit is due for their contributions.

Ethics topics to consider when publishing:

Authorship of the paper: The only people who should be allowed to sign their names on the manuscript are those who made a substantial contribution to the idea, planning, execution, or interpretation of the conducted study.

Originality and plagiarism: The authors must ensure that all of their work is entirely unique and that, in the event that they use someone else's words or ideas, they have appropriately referenced or quoted them.

Data access and storage: For editorial review, authors could be asked to submit the raw data related to a publication; they should be prepared to make the data publicly accessible.

Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication: Generally speaking, authors shouldn't submit their work to many journals or major publications that essentially report the same topic.

Source acknowledgement: It should be done correctly.

Conflicts of interest and disclosure: Any and all relationships that could be seen as creating a conflict of interest must be disclosed in all submissions.

Fundamental mistakes in published works: Any significant flaws or inaccuracies in one's own published work must be reported to the journal editor or publisher right once, and the author must collaborate with the editor to have the piece withdrawn or corrected.

Reporting requirements: Original research paper writers are required to provide a truthful synopsis of their work as well as an objective evaluation of its applicability.

Use of patient photos or case information: All participants in research involving patients or volunteers must provide informed consent, and the study must be authorized by an ethics committee. The Book has to be updated with this consent.

Created: 06-May-2024 11:25 AM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 11:25 AM
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