Proof-reading by authors:
When your submission is approved, we require a completely edited copy of your work together with an index and bibliography. We favour using APA style citations. Alternatively, upon the author's request, we will make arrangements for additional, if required, expert proofreading and copyediting services.
Proof-reading by Singh Publication:
We will internally verify for correctness and proofread your final text when you submit it. Then, using track-changes, we will email you a first set of proofs in Word with our comments and corrections marked in the text. This is the last opportunity for authors to make minor changes in the text.
We typeset the manuscript and send you the last set of proofs in PDF format when the final adjustments have been approved. In order to preserve the page layout, no significant changes can be done at this time.
As soon as we receive the final, approved proofs from the writers, we typically publish the book within a month (and no later than six months). Your book will be offered concurrently in print, digital (for download), and free-to-read versions. Our books are offered for sale on our website, at all significant bookshops (including Amazon), wholesalers, and libraries.
Created: 06-May-2024 11:25 AM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 11:25 AM