Books Publication

Singh Publication publishes Books in all areas of:

Science, Management, Technology, Medicine, Agriculture, Bioinformatics, Business, Chemistry, Computer & Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Energy & Fuels, Engineering & Technology, Food & Nutrition, Genetics, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Materials Science, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Astronomy and Social Sciences.

Our books offer current and advanced knowledge in a variety of fields of study to professionals, academics, corporate researchers, graduates, and undergrads around the world.

Singh Publication Book Publishing offers a global platform to anybody who thinks that words has the power to transform the world. Our goal is to help each aspiring writer give their idea a name, a physical form, and a platform to be shared.

In an endeavour to transform the publishing sector, we continuously develop and enhance the publication process. With the aid of our publishing platform, authors can transform their writings into physical books that readers can hold in their hands, read, and identify with.

Each year, more than 5,000,000 thesis are written in the field of research. Additionally, there are numerous other research papers, books, and creative concepts from academics, universities, and institutions.

The majority of this work has been put on hold due to astronomical costs up to this point, but these notions would be of special interest to corporations and scientists.

Due to Singh Publication Book Publishing's skill in publishing such works, the valuable research of these researchers may be quickly and effectively made available to the entire world.

Because we value nature, we participate in printed and ebook releases and marketing.

The book proposals are welcome in electronic form.


Book publication points as per UGC notification:

1. An author will get 12 points if he/she publishes a Book by an International publisher.
2. An author will get 10 points if he/she publishes a Book by National level publisher.
3. An author will get 5 points if he/she publishes a Book-chapter in an International Book by an International publisher.
4. An author will get 10 points if he/she becomes editor of an International edited book published by an International publisher.
5. An author will get 8 points if he/she becomes editor of a National level edited book published by a National publisher.

Created: 06-May-2024 11:25 AM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 11:25 AM
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