Science Books 5
Cognitive Radio Communication Experiments using MATLAB Cognitive Radio Communication Experiments using MATLAB 978-81-955629-9-2

Book Title: Cognitive Radio Communication Experiments using MATLAB

Author: Dr. O. P. Meena

ISBN No.: 978-81-955629-9-2

Published Year: July 2023

Price: Rs. 580/-

Size: A5

Format: Print

About the Book: The performance of a digital communication system is quantified by the probability of bit detection errors in the presence of thermal noise. In the context of wireless communications, the main source of thermal noise is addition of random signals arising from the vibration of atoms in the receiver electronics.

580.00 550.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 2 Average Rating 4.4
Reconfigurable N- Point FFT Processors Reconfigurable N- Point FFT Processors 978-81-955629-7-8

Book Title: Reconfigurable N- Point FFT Processors

Authors: Dr. Sangeeta Nakhate, Dr. Aashish Parihar, Dr. Manish Bansal and Akshaya Nakhate

ISBN No.: 978-81-955629-7-8

Published Year: July 2023

Price: Rs. 550/-

Size: A5

Format: Print

About the Book: The objective of writing this book has been to provide research scholars with the most thorough and understandable presentation of the pipelined reconfigurable N-point FFT processor. This book is written specifically to meet the need of the research scholars in the area of digital filters design, DSP application, Hardware Implementation of FFT Algorithms and other related disciplines.

550.00 520.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 4 Average Rating 4.4
Globalisation of Indian Healthcare Services by: Dr. Mohd. Sayeed Globalisation of Indian Healthcare Services by: Dr. Mohd. Sayeed 978-81-955629-6-1
370.00 350.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 5 Average Rating 4.4
Study of Carbon Nanotubes and their Applications in Field Effect Transistors by: Govinda Gowda HG Study of Carbon Nanotubes and their Applications in Field Effect Transistors by: Govinda Gowda HG 978-81-955629-2-2
700.00 700.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 6 Average Rating 4.4
Construction Mathematics by: Dr. Sapna Tripathi and Vivek Rana Construction Mathematics by: Dr. Sapna Tripathi and Vivek Rana 978-81-955629-1-7
550.00 500.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 7 Average Rating 4.4
Covid-19: Impact and Challenges in Medical Industry Covid-19: Impact and Challenges in Medical Industry 978-81-604281-3-1

Vulnerable people are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. It has revealed ongoing disparities based on income, age, race, sex, and geography. Despite recent improvements in global health, there are still many interconnected hazards to people's health and wellbeing that have their roots in social, economic, political, and environmental determinants of health.

700.00 640.00 BOOK 1 0 NA Singh Publication Count 9 Average Rating 4.4
Globalaization of Indian Healthcare Services Globalaization of Indian Healthcare Services 978-31-604281-3-1
950.00 850.00 BOOK 1 0 NA Singh Publication Count 10 Average Rating 4.4
Common Medical Problems of Childerns Common Medical Problems of Childerns 978-03-634987-1-3

It is becoming more well recognised that the promotion of certain body images in traditional media may have negative effects, especially those on mental health conditions like depression.
The impact of presenting a limited range of body pictures on social media, however, has only received a small amount of research. Social media is distinctive because it enables users to showcase their most appealing photographs while deleting those they deem undesirable. Peers, who have a significant impact on a person's body image, are frequently seen in this setting. According to studies, both young men and women who use social media have anxieties about their bodies.

600.00 550.00 BOOK 1 0 NA Singh Publication Count 11 Average Rating 4.4
Monograph on Computational Intelligence Monograph on Computational Intelligence 978-03-634917-1-3
400.00 380.00 BOOK 1 0 NA Singh Publication Count 12 Average Rating 4.4
The Improvement of SNR of MST Radar Signals The Improvement of SNR of MST Radar Signals 948-04-656517-0-5

In this book, the effect of the window shape parameter "" on the signal to noise ratio (SNR) values of MST radar is compared between Kaiser and 3COSH Window functions. Results from an analysis of the six sets of multibeam observations made in the lower atmosphere by the Indian Mesosphere, Stratosphere, and Tropospheric (MST) radar are presented.

With a new iteration of adjustable windows, the echo samples of the radar's in-phase and quadrature components are weighted in the Fourier transformation. The impacts of data weighting are demonstrated for the 3COSH and Kaiser Window functions with different window shape parameters. The signal to noise ratio figures are seen to grow with an increase of "" in this report, which is a good improvement.
To study the MST radar, 3COSH and Kaiser Window functions are suggested.

830.00 800.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 14 Average Rating 4.4
Insights into Plant Pathology “Principles and Applications” Insights into Plant Pathology “Principles and Applications” 978-81-972787-5-4

Book Title: Insights into Plant Pathology “Principles and Applications”

Authors: Shubham Singh, Atul Suresh Bawane, Dr. Lal Bahadur Singh, Dr. Anand Nagsen Warghat

ISBN No.: 978-81-972787-5-4

Published Year: June 2024

Price: Rs. 500/-

Size: A5

Format: Print

This book is designed to cater to both students specializing in plant pathology and those seeking a general understanding of the field. It provides a comprehensive overview, focusing on fundamental principles while directing readers to more detailed sources as needed. Due to extensive research, fungal pathogens are predominantly discussed, with references to other pathogen groups where relevant. Although viruses cause significant plant diseases, space limitations preclude an exhaustive treatment here; fortunately, numerous recent publications cover this area extensively.

500.00 480.00 Book 1 0 NA Singh Publication Count 61 Average Rating 4.4
Software Testing using Automated Tools Software Testing using Automated Tools 948-04-656517-0-9

Software testing is a task in software engineering that verifies the software system is fault-free and that the results of the software development actually match those that were anticipated. It entails the execution of a system or software component to assess one or more interesting properties. A good and efficient software product or service is needed, but this can be challenging because software must first be tested by stakeholders. Software testing is not a new field and it has been for many years. Software testing may be defined as the process of examining software to see if it meets the need and identifying mistakes that may occur in any software.

750.00 700.00 BOOK1 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 15 Average Rating 4.4
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