Computer Science Books 15
Cognitive Radio Communication Experiments using MATLAB Cognitive Radio Communication Experiments using MATLAB 978-81-955629-9-2

Book Title: Cognitive Radio Communication Experiments using MATLAB

Author: Dr. O. P. Meena

ISBN No.: 978-81-955629-9-2

Published Year: July 2023

Price: Rs. 580/-

Size: A5

Format: Print

About the Book: The performance of a digital communication system is quantified by the probability of bit detection errors in the presence of thermal noise. In the context of wireless communications, the main source of thermal noise is addition of random signals arising from the vibration of atoms in the receiver electronics.

580.00 550.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 2 Average Rating 4.4
Monograph on Computational Intelligence Monograph on Computational Intelligence 978-03-634917-1-3
400.00 380.00 BOOK 1 0 NA Singh Publication Count 12 Average Rating 4.4
Software Testing using Automated Tools Software Testing using Automated Tools 948-04-656517-0-9

Software testing is a task in software engineering that verifies the software system is fault-free and that the results of the software development actually match those that were anticipated. It entails the execution of a system or software component to assess one or more interesting properties. A good and efficient software product or service is needed, but this can be challenging because software must first be tested by stakeholders. Software testing is not a new field and it has been for many years. Software testing may be defined as the process of examining software to see if it meets the need and identifying mistakes that may occur in any software.

750.00 700.00 BOOK1 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 15 Average Rating 4.4
Computer Science Master Guide for Examination Computer Science Master Guide for Examination 940-11-658888-0-8

Computer networks are still in their infancy, but as they mature and become sophisticated, humans will benefit from their increased sophistication, according to Leonard Kleinrock, one of the principal scientists of the first Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), which helped launch the Internet, in 1969.

The development of computer utilities, which will service individual homes and offices across the nation like the current electric and telephone utilities, is likely to occur. In the 21st century, the entire computing industry will undergo a massive transformation, and computing services will be readily available on demand, just like other utility services like water, electricity, telephone, and gas are in today's society. This vision of computing utilities based on a service-provisioning model anticipated this massive transformation.

800.00 700.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 27 Average Rating 4.4
Fundamentals of Education and Development Fundamentals of Education and Development 996-51-108010-2-0

The importance of education for development has been emphasised all around the world (McGrath, 2010; Garrett, 2011). It is a key component of international indicators used to assess country progress, such as the HDI (Human progress Index) components. In fact, projected years of schooling and mean years of schooling are two of the four essential HDI components (UNDP 2018, 2019). However, since the dawn of the twenty-first century, exclusionary practises in education have come to the fore in worldwide discourses that relate education to the possibility of greater development. Along with the idea that this must be tackled by carefully examining the reasons of exclusion, the necessity for inclusion towards lasting positive transformation has also become more strongly underlined (UNESCO, 2018).

500.00 470.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 39 Average Rating 4.4
Artificial Intelligence: The future of Machine Artificial Intelligence: The future of Machine 948-81-512584-6-9

Science's field of artificial intelligence (AI) is concerned with giving robots the ability to solve complicated issues in a more human-like manner. This typically entails taking traits of human intellect and implementing them as computer-friendly algorithms. Depending on the defined needs, a more or less flexible or effective technique might be used, which affects how artificial the intelligent behaviour seems.

800.00 700.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 51 Average Rating 4.4
Machine Learning by Dr Vipin Singh Machine Learning by Dr Vipin Singh 948-59-512584-6-9

We have pondered if computers could be taught to learn ever since they were first created. The impact would be significant if we could figure out how to programme them to learn to get better automatically as they gain experience. Imagine computers analysing medical records to determine the best treatments for novel diseases, or personal software assistants identifying users' changing interests to highlight particularly pertinent articles from the morning newspaper online. A thorough grasp of how to make computers learn would pave the way for numerous new applications, levels of proficiency, and levels of customization.

710.00 640.00 BOOK 1 GST@0 NA Singh Publication Count 52 Average Rating 4.4
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